I was born in the north of England and attended our local village church ... an 11th century Anglo-Saxon gem. Village social life gravitated round the church ...Brownies and Guides went to church parade regularly, and the church youth fellowship was the highlight of the week for all young people.
I moved to Leeds, and there joined an Anglican Church and their Young Wives club. After the loss of a child, I became an inactive and non-attending Anglican. This continued through my early days in North Vancouver.
When I retired from teaching and moved to Victoria, I began to search for a church to attend again. The first church I visited was St. Paul's. I fell in love with the church though I hated the turmoil of amalgamation. I soon realized that I wanted to be an active member of the congregation. When approached to be on the Parish Vision team I happily accepted the challenge.
I do some pastoral visiting. I painted the "150" banners for the church. I love attending Compline and evensong as well as the 8.30 am services. Listening to the sermons on Sunday is one of my strongest retirement pleasures.
Licette How
Gratitude 2017