Dear Parish Family,
I hope this finds you all well, and surviving the week of snow that we have had. My own cold is getting steadily better and I am sure to be with you again next week. Worship at 10 a.m. continues this week with a Morning Prayer Service. Unfortunately the online service cannot be accommodated again this week. Regular worship schedule is expected to return February 16th. The wardens, treasurer and I have decided to postpone the financial review meeting, the start of the singing circle, and the annual (vestry) meeting by one week. This means the financial meeting and singing circle will be on February 16th at 11 a.m. (directly after service) and 12 p.m. respectively. The annual general (vestry) meeting will be held on February 23rd beginning at 10 a.m.
The financial statements, the full AGM reports and the income tax receipts will all be out soon. Lots of work is happening behind the scenes. Thank you for your patience.
Please don’t forget to sign up for the prayers of the people workshop on Saturday Feb 22nd from 10 a.m. until noon with a light lunch provided. Led by Barbara Holt and myself, it offers an opportunity to hear the rewards and challenges of writing and/or reading the prayers of the people. Mark your calendars now for March 5th – the Ash Wednesday service is at 10 a.m. It would be lovely to have more of the congregation come to this important service that marks the beginning of Lent.
I am so grateful to be held in your prayers. Virtual hugs to you all and - as we shall ever proclaim – Thanks be to God.
See you soon,